FB Radom Polish AK .223/5.56 10/30 10Rd or 15/30 15Rd Green Translucent Blocked Mag CA,CO,CT,DE,IL,MA,MD,NY,NJ,OR,RI,WA,VT Legal Magazine

  • .223/5.56
  • New Polish Military
  • 10/30 or 15/30
  • 30 Rounds blocked to 10 or 15 Rounds
  • Green Translucent 

These are brand new original Polish Military 30rd Beryl/Archer clear Green Translucent 5.56x45 NATO magazines. These are made by Poland's famous Military Small Arms Factory "Fabryka Broni" and they work with most 5.56 AK rifles (Russian, Bulgarian, Polish).

Mags shipped to NY, CO, CT, DE, MA, OR, RI,WA,IL,VT & DC will have the base sealed shut with epoxy and a rivet to fully comply with the laws there.

** Oak Park IL is a 10 Round Limit on Magazines

For states that do not require the base sealed shut we can still epoxy it shut on request free of charge. Just let us know you would like it done.

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FB Radom Polish AK .223/5.56 10/30 10Rd or 15/30 15Rd Green Translucent Blocked Mag

  • $45.00

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